Tuesday 17 November 2015

Tech Review - WiFi to Wi-FM

Today I will start by saying WiFi does not stand for Wireless Fidelity...as popularly believed.
WiFi is basically a name given to mean IEEE 802.11x, a wireless technology that makes use of radio waves to create a network connection for the purpose of providing internet and network connections.

This great invention has become very popular such that it is starting to be it's own undoing, because many if not all modern houses/apartments have some sort of a WiFi system.
If in your neighborhood you have over five different WiFi signals then this will causes a lot of interference in terms of CCQ. connection quality. You might end up getting only 10% of the internet connectivity hence resulting to slow internet connection.

Yesterday's Blog >>>>>Meet Robotic Salamander

Aleksander Kuzmanovic alongside Ph.D students: Uri Klarman and Marcel Flores from McCormick School of Engineering of Northwestern University proposed the use of Wi-FM. They explained with the use of Wi-FM Wireless connections will be allowed to coexist, stop competing and basically start sharing.
With the prototype the team did tests in several buildings and as per the results, the system apparently did boost the connection speeds 1.5 times or at average ratio of 1.35. Unlike Wi-Fi, the Wi-FM has the capabilities of penetrating well through obstructions like walls and even trees.

Transmitting devices with Wi-FM capabilities will be able to listen to FM radio signals in order to send data at times when other networks aren’t being used as much. The technology creates a shareable pattern of busy and quiet transmission times, so that interference is reduced and networks don’t interfere with one another during high Internet usage times.

This great research discovery has even better news, if this system is to be adopted then all you need to change is the router, for the devices, all you will need is an app to be installed in your phone. 
The team challenged electronics manufacturer to adopt the system and roll it out in every next device they make.


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