Thursday 1 December 2011


I dedicate this to my late Sister.
I personally lost a sister late last year to this epidermic, though my family will not not approve of me saying to the world what actually killed her but I think it is best to come out clean. AIDS does not select but rather picks all that have ignorance and 'eat the sweets without the wrapper'. I know I've been a victim several times but I pray that people start to take this thing seriously..... here are some stories a got from on people living with AIDS

1. Girlfriend view
My boyfriend has been having fever for almost a week. At first, the doctors suspected that it could be dengue virus. But there were no rashes.
They suggested doing a HIV test and today it came out positive. I know that my boyfriend regretted what he had done in the past and he now worries about the future.
But I will not leave him to face what lies ahead alone.
We will do it together

2. Daughter
This story is actually about my dad who was diagnosed w aid in 1995. He was only 34 when he found out he was positive w Aids and kept it to himself for about 5yrs. When we did find out It was sadest day ever i love my dad very much and only wanted to see him happy in wht ever he did, unfortunitly the actions he took w his life werent very smart..He started using drugs at a very young age, it started w smking weed and progressed to stronger drugs eventually he started using heroin. the cycle of useing heroin lasted most of my childhood, he was in and out of every prison for as long as i can remember.The drugs really just took over all of him and left me and my bro n sister w/o a dad.. He was soo deeply lost w this drug tht he started sharing needles and having unprotected sex w random females who would either supply the drug or give him $ to buy the drug for both of there pleasures.. It was bad enough to have one parent w aids then to find out a few years dwn the line tht he had given it to my mom she was HIV pos.
SAD :( my dad died in 2003 and my mom followed in 2004.. VERY SAD :( :(
so for everyone out there: Plz protect urself ALWAYS.. ur not the only ones who will suffer from ur mistakes..

3. Sister
My name is A i live in Kenya. I dont have the virus but my older sister has it she is only 28years and dont have a family. I dont know what to do or say to her to make her feel better, the man who gave her the virus is long gone to a different country. She is all alone in a city and far from me and family. Am soooo worried since i am not there to support her.

I now know she is devasted and stressed out since she complains of headaches and rashes which ooozess blood, she complains a lot and that worries me so very much. I usually comfort her over the pone but i feel its not enough. I dont know which stage she is since she is yet to find out.

I have a family who i havent shared with the news since i dont know how they will take it. am sooo stressed out and my work progress is very down especially when i remember my sister.

Please people who live with the disease take heart, God doesnt forsake anyone during there times in need. My only wish is that my sister to be strong since its not the end of the world.

I love her to much and will keep on praying for her each and every day.

4. Husband
Hi, I am 35 and married for 4 years now. I found out that my wife is HIV positive when she was pregnant with our first child.

At first I thought the world was falling on us; never did it EVER cross my mind on switching the blame but i was worried about her and the child. I went to several HIV tests ever since and mine always come negative.

I’m just thankful that our child is now 3 years old and negative. I love my wife and I will never desert her because of her status.

We have a great sex life and although she is a person that hides her feeling; I tried my level best to support her and now she registered for a degree and we going on with our lives.

It’s kinda difficult to live with someone who is HIV positive because you never know whats going on their minds sometimes. The best thing I do is to shower her with love and assure her that everything is gonna be alright.

  5. Mother
I am the mother of a homosexual son that has been diagnosed with HIV positive. I prayed for years for God to heal my son. He met a woman and married her. He's still gay and practicing while he is married. He doesn't care who he is with. He is so bitter at God for allowing this to happen to him. I have become bitter too. Not only is he still gay and married and his marriage is falling apart but he's HIV positive now. I don't understand God any more. I'm hurting so bad I don't want to live. I wake up everyday with this cloud of misery hanging over me. I think of just ended my life. It seems the only way to stop feeling this awful hurt and pain. I thought God loved me. How can he love me and allow this misery and hurt to continue for years and years. I have begun to think there isn't a God. All I hear is God's love for me. What kind of love is this? I think of all the things I could do to end this since God won't. This mess is forever! I've been going through this for 20 years now. Just want it to end one way or the other. If I have to end my own life.

what else do you want to hear before you change your way of living??? You cannot get to someone for doing wrong to you by doing wrong to yourself.....TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.